Monday 26 March 2012

First free weekend

First free weekend in Lima means a lot of atractions. There is not way to spend three days here without any drama :) But from the beginning...

Three beutiful ladies finished a work in the orphanage earlier on Friday, so around 5pm they were in the bus to Lima. The only problem was that they didn't have any idea where they are going to sleep. But who cares, it's so early :) We went to Miraflores to eat something - mission accomplished. 

Then we start partying in "Madrid style". In Miraflores there is a perfect street, where you can get drunk for free by going from club to club for one drink. Everybody is inviting you and asking you what do you want to do. There are even salsa lessons. 

"What are you looking for? What do you want to do tonight? Do you want to dance? Do you want to eat? Do you want to drink? I know a perfect place!"

After third club our friend joined us and we went to the couchsurfing party. Where can be a better place for looking for a host? That mission was acomplished as well. I discover that BEST and CS have more in common than I thought. We met people from all over the world, I was even talking in polish with one guy - "qualified masseur". After few drinks we moved to Barranco to have a real party (before party - lithuanian vodka, why not!). Hot salsa, lots of people and a lot of fun, and suprasingly no drama. But don't worry, it's only the first day. Ane found us a host (thank you!), so no problem at all.

Of course the morning went too fast, but we manage to be around 12 in the city center, but one more time without sleeping plans (ah, Ane why did you do that for us?). The day have to start with breakfast, so we went to supermarket to buy exactly what we want (finally!). Cheese, ham, dark bread, fresh juice, tomatos, chocolate, apples - what more we can want? Ah yes, meeting with a random guy, who "has his buissnes" and "needs to practise his english". What kind of buisness? "I have to print something to my friend" - and showed us a pictore of a huge dick and explain that he is working in the sex shop and selling "special pills". It was funny!

Let's say our sightseeing was quite specific - more focus on shops with hand-made things and bars then important buildings. But on the way we found really nice gallery with totally amazing exhibition about overthrow in Peru in 90's, so history lessons checked as well.

The short meeting with our coordinator equip us in all necessary information, so we could start thinking about the night. A few calls and we have a place to sleep - how cool is that? :) few more things to see and buy and we could go. As always we expected a piece of floor and acces to the shower, nothing more. What did we have? Our one room with two big beds, our own bathroom with towels and everything, even hot water! It was just perfect! At night we went to La Marina, the new distric for us. "The club" was quite nice and we had a lot of fun. The goal of the night was to make Karin drunk. Mission complished, but result was slighty different than expected. 

4am, we are about to leave. What Karin is doing? Enjoying dancing with 10 random guys and having the best moments of the party and doesn't want to leave at all.

- Karin, let's go
- Noooooo, I want to stay! I don't want to leave! Leave me here, I want me have fun!

It was quite funny during first few minutes, but suprasingly it took us around 20 minutes to finally convince Karin that going home is really good idea. All security guys made a lot of fun of us trying to put Karin into a taxi, especially when she was running away, hitting us and screaming at us.

The plan for the morning was to go to ruins of Pachacamac, but... Of course we slept quite a lot and then parents of our host invaite us for a lunch. It was so nice! Of course after all there was no sense to go to the ruins at that time, so we just stayed in Lima longer. It's was really good choice, because we met festival of the street theater! Just amazing!

We finished our perfect weekend in Pachacamac eating pollo a la brasa (finally!) and drinking a beer in the park - as simple as that.

What else is needed to be happy? :)

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